lt P gt lt SPAN style quot FONT SIZE 13px FONT FAMILY Arial Verdana sans serif WHITE SPACE pre wrap WORD SPACING 0px TEXT TRANSFORM none FLOAT none FONT WEIGHT 400 COLOR rgb 0 0 0 FONT STYLE normal TEXT ALIGN justify ORPHANS 2 WIDOWS 2 DISPLAY inline important LETTER SPACING normal BACKGROUND COLOR rgb 255 255 255 TEXT INDENT 0px font variant ligatures normal font variant caps normal webkit text stroke width 0px text decoration thickness initial text decoration style initial text decoration color initial quot gt NHÀ THIẾT KẾ CÂY XANH CỰC CHILL OTO ĐỖ CỬA NGÕ TO NHƯ PHỐ TRUNG TÂM GIA THUỴ 100 M RA MP NGUYỄN VĂN CỪ lt SPAN gt lt P gt
lt P gt lt SPAN style quot FONT SIZE 13px FONT FAMILY Arial Verdana sans serif WHITE SPACE pre wrap WORD SPACING 0px TEXT TRANSFORM none FLOAT none FONT WEIGHT 400 COLOR rgb 0 0 0 FONT STYLE normal TEXT ALIGN justify ORPHANS 2 WIDOWS 2 DISPLAY inline important LETTER SPACING normal BACKGROUND COLOR rgb 255 255 255 TEXT INDENT 0px font variant ligatures normal font variant caps normal webkit text stroke width 0px text decoration thickness initial text decoration style initial text decoration color initial quot gt lt SPAN gt lt SPAN style quot FONT SIZE 13px FONT FAMILY Arial Verdana sans serif WHITE SPACE pre wrap WORD SPACING 0px TEXT TRANSFORM none FLOAT none FONT WEIGHT 400 COLOR rgb 0 0 0 FONT STYLE normal TEXT ALIGN justify ORPHANS 2 WIDOWS 2 DISPLAY inline important LETTER SPACING normal BACKGROUND COLOR rgb 255 255 255 TEXT INDENT 0px font variant ligatures normal font variant caps normal webkit text stroke width 0px text decoration thickness initial text decoration style initial text decoration color initial quot gt amp nbsp Nhà vị trí tuyệt đẹp 2 ngoặt to rộng tới nhà thoáng ngay phố lt SPAN gt lt P gt
lt P gt lt SPAN style quot FONT SIZE 13px FONT FAMILY Arial Verdana sans serif WHITE SPACE pre wrap WORD SPACING 0px TEXT TRANSFORM none FLOAT none FONT WEIGHT 400 COLOR rgb 0 0 0 FONT STYLE normal TEXT ALIGN justify ORPHANS 2 WIDOWS 2 DISPLAY inline important LETTER SPACING normal BACKGROUND COLOR rgb 255 255 255 TEXT INDENT 0px font variant ligatures normal font variant caps normal webkit text stroke width 0px text decoration thickness initial text decoration style initial text decoration color initial quot gt Khu trung tâm tiện ích đầy đủ vây xung quanh là trường học các cấp gần bệnh viên Tâm Anh trường wellspring nổi tiếng các ngân hàng lt SPAN gt lt P gt
lt P gt lt SPAN style quot FONT SIZE 13px FONT FAMILY Arial Verdana sans serif WHITE SPACE pre wrap WORD SPACING 0px TEXT TRANSFORM none FLOAT none FONT WEIGHT 400 COLOR rgb 0 0 0 FONT STYLE normal TEXT ALIGN justify ORPHANS 2 WIDOWS 2 DISPLAY inline important LETTER SPACING normal BACKGROUND COLOR rgb 255 255 255 TEXT INDENT 0px font variant ligatures normal font variant caps normal webkit text stroke width 0px text decoration thickness initial text decoration style initial text decoration color initial quot gt amp nbsp Nhà đẹp không tỳ vết Dân xây chắc chắn rất tâm huyết tỉ mỉ từng chi tiết thoáng trước cạnh nhà sau nhà nhà tạo nên sự thoáng mát không gian mở ánh sáng ngập tràn các phòng Thiết kế hợp lý đầy đủ công năng lt SPAN gt lt P gt
lt P gt lt SPAN style quot FONT SIZE 13px FONT FAMILY Arial Verdana sans serif WHITE SPACE pre wrap WORD SPACING 0px TEXT TRANSFORM none FLOAT none FONT WEIGHT 400 COLOR rgb 0 0 0 FONT STYLE normal TEXT ALIGN justify ORPHANS 2 WIDOWS 2 DISPLAY inline important LETTER SPACING normal BACKGROUND COLOR rgb 255 255 255 TEXT INDENT 0px font variant ligatures normal font variant caps normal webkit text stroke width 0px text decoration thickness initial text decoration style initial text decoration color initial quot gt Rất thích hợp cho thuê căn hộ mini hoặc gia đình nhiều thế hệ ở khu vực yên tĩnh thoáng mát lt SPAN gt lt P gt
lt P gt lt SPAN style quot FONT SIZE 13px FONT FAMILY Arial Verdana sans serif WHITE SPACE pre wrap WORD SPACING 0px TEXT TRANSFORM none FLOAT none FONT WEIGHT 400 COLOR rgb 0 0 0 FONT STYLE normal TEXT ALIGN justify ORPHANS 2 WIDOWS 2 DISPLAY inline important LETTER SPACING normal BACKGROUND COLOR rgb 255 255 255 TEXT INDENT 0px font variant ligatures normal font variant caps normal webkit text stroke width 0px text decoration thickness initial text decoration style initial text decoration color initial quot gt Tầng 1 Sân Phòng khách bếp WC cầu thang Góc lt SPAN gt lt P gt
lt P gt lt SPAN style quot FONT SIZE 13px FONT FAMILY Arial Verdana sans serif WHITE SPACE pre wrap WORD SPACING 0px TEXT TRANSFORM none FLOAT none FONT WEIGHT 400 COLOR rgb 0 0 0 FONT STYLE normal TEXT ALIGN justify ORPHANS 2 WIDOWS 2 DISPLAY inline important LETTER SPACING normal BACKGROUND COLOR rgb 255 255 255 TEXT INDENT 0px font variant ligatures normal font variant caps normal webkit text stroke width 0px text decoration thickness initial text decoration style initial text decoration color initial quot gt Tầng 2 3 4 Mỗi tầng 2 Phòng ngủ rộng WC khép kín lt SPAN gt lt P gt
lt P gt lt SPAN style quot FONT SIZE 13px FONT FAMILY Arial Verdana sans serif WHITE SPACE pre wrap WORD SPACING 0px TEXT TRANSFORM none FLOAT none FONT WEIGHT 400 COLOR rgb 0 0 0 FONT STYLE normal TEXT ALIGN justify ORPHANS 2 WIDOWS 2 DISPLAY inline important LETTER SPACING normal BACKGROUND COLOR rgb 255 255 255 TEXT INDENT 0px font variant ligatures normal font variant caps normal webkit text stroke width 0px text decoration thickness initial text decoration style initial text decoration color initial quot gt Tầng 5 phòng thờ bếp BBQ sân lt SPAN gt lt P gt
lt P gt lt SPAN style quot FONT SIZE 13px FONT FAMILY Arial Verdana sans serif WHITE SPACE pre wrap WORD SPACING 0px TEXT TRANSFORM none FLOAT none FONT WEIGHT 400 COLOR rgb 0 0 0 FONT STYLE normal TEXT ALIGN justify ORPHANS 2 WIDOWS 2 DISPLAY inline important LETTER SPACING normal BACKGROUND COLOR rgb 255 255 255 TEXT INDENT 0px font variant ligatures normal font variant caps normal webkit text stroke width 0px text decoration thickness initial text decoration style initial text decoration color initial quot gt Sổ đỏ chính chủ đẹp pháp lý rõ ràng sổ ngay tại nhà sẵn sàng giao dịch lt SPAN gt lt P gt
lt P gt lt SPAN style quot FONT SIZE 13px FONT FAMILY Arial Verdana sans serif WHITE SPACE pre wrap WORD SPACING 0px TEXT TRANSFORM none FLOAT none FONT WEIGHT 400 COLOR rgb 0 0 0 FONT STYLE normal TEXT ALIGN justify ORPHANS 2 WIDOWS 2 DISPLAY inline important LETTER SPACING normal BACKGROUND COLOR rgb 255 255 255 TEXT INDENT 0px font variant ligatures normal font variant caps normal webkit text stroke width 0px text decoration thickness initial text decoration style initial text decoration color initial quot gt Liên hệ Mr Thọ Uy tín tận tâm gọi là có lt SPAN gt lt P gt